지극히 거룩하신 주 예수 그리스도님 저희는 여기와 온세상 모든 교회에서
주님을 흠숭하오며 찬송하오니 주님께서
거룩한 십자가로 세상을 구속하셨기 때문입니다.

C. C. D
Our parish C.C.D classes is on; parents are ecouraged to enroll their children. Click here to download the registation form and submit it with the sum of 20,000 won at the Cecilia's office or you can give it to the Chief Catechist (1st Communion class teacher). Faith Formation for adult is also on, the same time with the C.C.D. 10 am Sundays, all parishioners are welcome to learn more about our faith.