미사 전서 시간
6:30 Am 월요일부터 토요일까지(한국어) 예배당에서주말 미사 전서 시간:
토요일 6:00 PM (French) at the Chapel
- 일요일: 8:00 Am (한국어)
- 영어 9:00 AM
- German 10:00 AM
- 영어 11 AM at Antonio's Hall
- Italian 11:15 AM
- Spanish 12:30 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance):
On Sundays before or after Mass, as well as on appointment between the confessor and the priest.We welcome all families. Babysitting is available during the 11 am Mass only and we need volunteers to assist in babysitting. Our Social Hall is equipped with a television monitor in the event your child becomes restless during mass.